FreeCharge is Back with stunning deal for new users. Now transact any recharge as new user and get Rs.50 Cash back after applying the given below promo code. Loot it before it expires.

You can loot it many times by creating new accounts in different devices or in single device by changing IMEI Number and other basic



Get Started:

1. Download/Update FreeCharge app from Playstore: Click Here
2. Open the app and create new account(most important)
3. Now intimate a recharge of Rs.10 or more according to your wish.
4. Proceed and Skip the Coupons and Apply Promocode: RTWX3DW
5. Now pay Rs.10 via debit/credit card.

Done! You will get Rs.50 Cashback instantly. Try it unlimited times and if you are successful then comment below and if you have any other unlimited trick for the same post then do share it with us by commenting below. You will be greatly appreciated!

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